Register box


With this plugin will the "Register" and "Registered as" box get a different look.

A hover over the Register Box changes the icon.

The colors of the "registered as" box are controlled in Woltlab Core by the Status Infobox (see spoiler). We have maintained this.

The following code can be customized for the "Register" box.

If the colors deviate, can you adjusted them by an adjustment in the Theme settings.

The customization must be inserted in [tt]ACP > Customization > Theme > Your Style > Advanced Setting[/ tt].

The following code can be customized for the "Register" box.

The colors of the "registered as" box are controlled in Woltlab Core by the SideBar background color. We have maintained this.

The following code can be customized for the "Registered as" box.

Price incl. sales tax
